

英漢字典: high and mighty

high and mighty   (TTS發音)

1. members of the higher social strata of society,esp. those who are haughty or arrogant顯赫人物 (尤指驕橫者)

    You think you are one of the high and mighty;remember pride goes before a fall.你以為你是顯要人物了,但是不要忘記驕者必敗。

2. in an insolent,proud or arrogant manner神氣活現的;傲慢的;不可一世的;自以為了不起的

    He acts so high and mighty;I despise him. 他太趾高氣揚,我瞧不起他。

    All of us are fed up with his high and mighty airs.我們大家都討厭他那種傲慢態度。

    Mary became high and mighty when she won the prize.瑪麗得獎後就變得不可一世。

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